
Turquoise Automation

Turquoise is an electronics and IT solutions startup based in Nagpur that primarily focuses on creating products in the fields of IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, and Industrial Automation. Our COVID Essentials series of products, which include an automatic sanitizer dispenser and a disinfectant box, are already in the market, and we are working towards expanding into the field of IoT and Industrial Automation. We also provide custom software and hardware solutions for industries which can range from a simple e-commerce website for a store to a complete automation solution for an enterprise. With our expertise in electronics and web development and the goal of trying to save our clients’ time and money, we try to automate even the tiniest of the processes with utmost vigor.

Turquoise is an electronics and IT solutions startup based in Nagpur that primarily focuses on creating products in the fields of IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, and Industrial Automation. Our COVID Essentials series of products, which include an automatic sanitizer dispenser and a disinfectant box, are already in the market, and we are working towards expanding into the field of IoT and Industrial Automation. We also provide custom software and hardware solutions for industries which can range from a simple e-commerce website for a store to a complete automation solution for an enterprise. With our expertise in electronics and web development and the goal of trying to save our clients’ time and money, we try to automate even the tiniest of the processes with utmost vigor.



Founded: 2017

Company Size:


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