The 2021 IoT Global Awards Reveal the Best and Brightest in IoT
- Publish Date: November 29, 2021
IoT Global Awards
- Publish Date: November 29, 2021
London, UK. November 22nd, 2021
WeKnow Media Ltd, the award organisers, are pleased to announce the Winners of the 2021 IoT Global Awards.
Jeremy Cowan, co-founder of IoT Now and chairman of the Judges in the 2021 Internet of Things Global Awards says, “It’s exciting to see that IoT is bringing provable, repeatable benefits to our daily lives in areas that have often proved hard to reach.”
“Farming, construction, retail, industry, transport, healthcare, civil engineering, and the environment are all now benefiting from an amazing global pool of IoT talent. Through automated data collection, artificial intelligence, enhanced connectivity, digital twins and
quicker compute the IoT is quietly enhancing all our lives. Well, we won’t be quiet about it. For the 4th year, The IoT Global Awards are again informing the world of these success stories.”
The Winners of the 2021 IoT Global Awards are:
Congratulations to the Winners on this outstanding achievement! You truly are the best and brightest in IoT.
In a few cases, although they were not Winners, the Judges felt that special mention should also be made for the following Highly Commended entries:
Big Data, Cloud & Analytics
“The Aparavi platform is helping IoT application users gain greater benefits from all of their data, not just the easy-to-access elements. Unlike some competitors, the platform can index unstructured data with contextually aware indexing, intelligent data pattern detection, and advanced deep searching. The benefits for a wide range of IoT service providers can be immense.”
– Aparavi for their Business Intelligence, Data Management and Analysis platform
Connected Health & Wearable Tech
“The EMIAS platform links more than 1,000 health institutions across Moscow into a single digital environment. The EMIAS.INFO mobile app simplifies appointment booking, gives 24/7 professional access to patient records, enables patients to self-manage their data, and to share access to records via email/messengers. Its 3.5 million users can scan medical documents, record family or personal data, and monitor health indicators.”
- The Moscow Department of Information Technologies for their Mobile App “EMIAS.INFO”
WeKnow Media Ltd would like to express their immense gratitude to all the independent VIP judges involved in this year’s awards for their time, expertise and insight.
We could not be more appreciative of our amazing media partners for their collaboration and support throughout the year: Geo Connexion, i-SCOOP, Internet of Business, IoT For All, Transforma Insights, IoT News, Internet of Things Council and IoT Events.
Lastly, to all those who entered their IoT products, services and individuals, as well as the shortlisted nominees, we thank you for sharing your IoT innovations with us!
You can read more about the winning entries in the upcoming Q4 issue of IoT Now Magazine, subscribe to receive the magazine and updates here.
See you all for the 5th annual IoT Global Awards in 2022!
Jeremy Cowan
Jodi Thurtell
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