AI Remote Learning for Professionals
- Last Updated: December 2, 2024
Guest Writer
- Last Updated: December 2, 2024
The way we work has changed and it’s continuing to change. People are working remotely while being part of their team irrespective of the location. With this change, traditional training methods being restrictive and costly have become less relevant.
AI plays a significant role in enabling remote learning for professionals and will continue to influence remote education as more industries go digital.
One of the challenges faced by teachers is to provide customized learning catering to the needs of every student. As different students have different requirements, even teaching one student is an arduous task as the teacher is challenged to find the right curriculum to meet their requirements. Here comes in AI.
Teachers can monitor student progress by making use of an AI-enabled Learning Management System (LMS). With the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this is expected to completely transform the learning experience. The incorporation of online-based learning has its own advantages. AI-enabled Learning Management Systems can deploy surveys to classify individuals into distinct learning buckets. Using AI, effective and targeted content can be designed that is suitable for each preferred learning style.
Language barriers normally hinder progress. However, using various learning platforms long lectures and reading assignments can be broken into smaller and easier components. Additionally, machine learning along with text translation can help in creating systems suitable to each student’s requirements. Technologies in text summarization and voice recognition can help in transcribing a complete lecture into paragraphs with great accuracy. Thus students, teachers, and administrations will reap the benefits of AI as it evolves and matures over the ensuing years.
Remote learning involves learning where both the teacher and the taught are not present together. As part of these various tools like presentations, online assignments, and video lectures are used taking the help of a school management software development company.
With increasing challenges from COVID-19, school education has moved to online platforms globally. Hence the need for training of teachers along with the required tools and technologies.
Though the transition to online education has been challenging it is the most important requirement. Keeping this need in view, software development companies such as Microsoft and Google are creating the required technology solutions.
As part of this development, Google is adding new features to Google Classroom while Microsoft is coming up with a new suite of products. All this to simplify education across educators and learners.
Remote learning comprises moving content meant for direct interaction to an online platform. Whereas online learning involves designing a course exclusively for online requirements comprising of learning and teaching. Owing to the corona pandemic, many schools have opted for this mode shifting course work online.
This is the most critical time for remote learning, particularly for adults. Care needs to be taken to protect workers in this crisis while helping them prepare for a post-pandemic environment. We need to build eLearning platforms to train employees to understand the nuances of remote learning while educating them as to how these times are crucial for their learning and growth.
Most mobile app development companies are opting for remote learning platforms which not only improve the various skills but can also make a huge difference in the productivity and output of any organization. Adult learners are generally tied up with family and other work responsibilities making it difficult to enhance their skills. However, due to the crisis created by the pandemic, we are all moving into a new world order with an abundance of time present for employees.
While many stalwarts have insisted on the requirement of continuous education, many to date continue to consider education only within the precincts of the educational institution. Fortunately, ideas have changed and there is greater recognition of learning as a lifelong experience.
With the onset of online distance education along with remote learning, there has been a paradigm shift towards alternative learning. Android app developers as well as iOS app developers are increasingly dependent on technologies like Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, and immersive technologies like AR/VR. Remote learning for adults is on the rise even as various industries are bracing up for this change.
Even as the requirement for skill up-gradation has been recognized at the backdrop of the global pandemic, individuals and companies are acquiring new skills to meet the challenges for the future. Various companies are coming up with new business models while efforts are on to keep employees engaged with the new skill sets.
Organizations are increasingly realizing the importance of AI in remote learning. AI is influencing remote learning in the following ways:
Smart content involves the application of technology to change the content from textbooks to digital interfaces. This type of learning is being introduced at various levels from educational settings to corporate environments.  There is increasing use of AI-based personalization in online platforms with corporates eager to take advantage of the unfolding situation.
Tutoring Systems which come with inbuilt intelligence take the role of a tutor. They ensure that educational material is presented in accordance with the assessment of learner’s weaknesses and strengths. This helps in improving the student’s knowledge and enables them to have a better understanding of various concepts. By determining the user’s capabilities, the AI system comes with suggestions which help in reaching the learning goals.
Additionally, AI is increasingly being used for remote monitoring and for providing automated grading systems of learners. This ensures better understanding without the need to offer individual responses.
AI is becoming increasingly important as part of its role in being a virtual facilitator. Virtual facilitators are virtual characters that are designed through AI. They are playing a prominent role in computer animation and 3D gaming.
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