
How IoT Jobsite Data Can Transform Construction Workflows

How IoT Jobsite Data Can Transform Construction Workflows

Sensera Systems

- Last Updated: March 20, 2025


Sensera Systems

- Last Updated: March 20, 2025

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The construction industry is confronted with exciting expansion opportunities, with the demand for infrastructure expected to keep rising in the coming years. 

Meanwhile, a simultaneous talent shortage persists. The sector’s current trajectory of stagnant productivity and slow or negative projected workforce growth means construction output could fall short of demand by $40 trillion cumulatively by 2040.  

Now more than ever before, construction teams need access to solutions that help them build safely and securely while achieving efficient project outcomes. 

Fortunately, as more teams implement IoT-enabled solutions, they gain access to an abundance of data with the potential to streamline operations. Making sure this data is actionable, however, is no small feat. Let’s explore how construction teams can maximize their job site data. 

The Abundance of Data on Construction Sites

To best take advantage of job site data, it’s important to understand where these data points come from and the potential insights they provide. Let’s focus primarily on visual data.

With so many tasks taking place across a job site, project managers can’t have eyes everywhere to see who isn’t wearing the appropriate amount of PPE or who is operating a machine incorrectly. They also don’t have time to search for misplaced equipment, derailing project productivity. Often managing multiple projects, managers also need a way to track projects remotely.

Digitizing operations with IoT-enabled solutions can help give them better visibility into what’s happening across the job site wherever they are. IoT sensors can track equipment location, while IoT-enabled cameras support remote site monitoring so project managers can track workflows and project outcomes remotely. This alone is a significant time-saver, as they can weigh in on project challenges without needing to be there in person. 

Collecting this data is only one part of the process, however. Turning it into insights is another critical step. According to Deloitte, with construction sites already becoming "interconnected" and "data-heavy," 2025 will be an important year to implement strategies that help them better analyze and take advantage of this data. Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled solutions will play a key role in this process. 

Turning Data into Insight with AI-powered Jobsite Intelligence Platforms

At the start of 2024, less than 4 percent of U.S. construction companies had used AI recently. While still at its early adoption stages, AI is crucial to gain the most benefit from job site data. 

Data can’t be used to its full potential without a comprehensive data intelligence platform powered by AI. Manually sorting through data or reviewing the details of each event that transpired on a job site requires time and money that contractors can better use elsewhere. They need simple-to-use solutions that let them capture, analyze, and act on information from vehicle whereabouts to material usage to operational safety and compliance.  

Jobsite intelligence platforms allow project teams to document, validate, and use more data for actionable intelligence. AI turns terabytes of jobsite imagery into meaningful insights that help project managers deliver safer, secure, and efficient projects. Meanwhile, AI-powered image recognition and search functionality make it easy to locate missing equipment in real time without needing to be present on the job site.

Plus, the ability to store that data enables teams to observe project trends over time. For instance, say the project manager receives an alert that project teams are incorrectly using a piece of equipment. This real-time alert allows them to intervene quickly and run additional training sessions on the equipment to ensure project teams operate it safely and correctly moving forward. The jobsite intelligence platform then lets project managers monitor progress and evaluate the success of the training session. Referring to past imagery of the incorrect operation also offers insight to better train future employees. 

As with any AI-enabled solution, human oversight is crucial. That’s where job site intelligence platforms offer so much benefit. They give project managers quick, easy access to critical insights that help them make more informed project decisions. 

2025: The Year of Acting on Construction Data

Streamlining operations will be critical as construction teams attempt to close the rising productivity gap sparked by the increased demand for infrastructure and subsequent talent shortage. Implementing IoT-enabled solutions is the first step to embracing more efficient workflows. The next priority will be putting the data generated by these platforms to good use through job site intelligence platforms that drive more efficient and informed decision-making. I look forward to witnessing the industry’s progression toward a more tech-enabled and insights-driven future.

This piece was authored by David Gaw, Chief Strategy Officer & Founder of Sensera Systems.

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