The Importance of an Open Digital Ecosystem in IIoT
- Last Updated: December 2, 2024
Michael Riemer
- Last Updated: December 2, 2024
You walk into the call center of a large transportation fleet. There are four teams separated by cubicle walls.
Each group has a different "dashboard" on a tv screen. Each group is using different applications. Applications from one of their major OEMs or service providers. Communication across groups and sharing of data is manual -- by phone, email and shared files.
These IIoT data access problems impact almost every industry.
Systems and information became cloistered. Anyone viewed as a competitive threat had access restricted.
Change is hard for any organization. Information sharing seems to be one of the hardest."In a world of mounting pressure, there’s a natural human instinct to stick to what you know. Don’t go out of your comfort zone because things are really scary out there. And so there’s a tendency to just hold on and just squeeze harder on what you’re currently doing."
It's scary.
So companies (departments and individuals) want to proclaim ownership to all data. Some believe sharing information means it is free. So, each group tries to wrestle control over information. They proclaim to be the system of record. Applications remain siloed.
Phone calls, emails, and manual data entry continue to be the de facto standard.
There is not a single digital ecosystem. Each is unique to each company and unique to each target market.A digital ecosystem is an interdependent group of actors, including enterprises, competitors, customers, regulators, individuals, Internet of Things devices, and other stakeholders that share standardized digital platforms to achieve mutual benefit.
Don't fret. Be open and transparent. Engage your customers and partners, and everybody wins.
Digital platforms have tremendous potential to bridge industries, meld ecosystems and empower businesses to better serve customers and achieve higher levels of performance.
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