Contact tracing is the public health term for the process of tracking and identifying people who may have, are, or are known to have, come into contact with a person who is known to be contagious or infected with a medical condition that can be transferred to others. It is most often used in cases of epidemic or pandemic, such as COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) to limit the spread of infection by notifying at-risk individuals and encouraging them to quarantine.
Contact Tracing
Contact tracing is the public health term for the process of tracking and identifying people who may have, are, or are known to have, come into contact with a person who is known to be contagious or infected with a medical condition that can be transferred to others. It is most often used in cases of epidemic or pandemic, such as COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) to limit the spread of infection by notifying at-risk individuals and encouraging them to quarantine.
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