How IoT Transforms Business Models
- Last Updated: December 2, 2024
Hari Harikrishnan
- Last Updated: December 2, 2024
For years predictive maintenance has been touted as the killer app of IoT; that IoT and predictive analytics is the cure for inefficient machine maintenance and unplanned downtime; that we need industrial IoT to deliver zero-downtime (“ZDT”) and so on.
All that is true. However, new technologies enable us to do more than one simple thing. IoT can be used to:
Predictive maintenance falls in the first category. I will discuss the second category here, on how new business models can be constructed with IoT.
Business models require thinking through the consumption side of your offer (demand side - how it is bought and used) and the production side of the offer (supply-side - how it is created and delivered). We will look at both.
We have evolved from buying a physical book to buying a digital book, to buying a subscription to read books, and finally getting that book read to us. All via a progression of Amazon →Kindle →Echo →Audible offerings. That progression took years of evolution.
How can we do the same in our industrial world? To do that, we need to think of the offer from the consumer's lens (buyer, user, and operator).
Let us compare how we sell a robot product vs. how a robot is offered as a service. We can then generalize the building blocks of the consumption model for any product.
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In scenario A, the customer owns the product outright, pays for maintenance to vendor yearly. In addition, they perform their own operations with their personnel.
In scenario B, robot is consumed as a service at a price per year for fixed subscription fee. (The numbers use a weighted average cost of capital, WACC, of 12% to arrive at the equivalent subscription price. The WACC varies by company.)
Thanks to IoT, we can measure the utilization of the robot and charge by utilization, going beyond a simple term subscription. E.g. We can charge by shift for a robot used for site-security.
We could have offered better maintenance for scenario A using IoT. That would not have leveraged the power of cloud-connected robots and wouldn't have charged based on asset utilization. Nor would it have delivered flexible consumption models to customers.
IoT enables us to take a consumption-centric approach to creating new offerings because we can measure consumption.
Can we do this for any product? What are the mechanics of doing this?
To reimagine your offerings for a connected world, think about dimensions of consumption for your offer, any offer. All from the lens of those who consume the offer.
This picture illustrates the four dimensions:
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The dimensions convey the following:
The simple variations of the M-O-O-P dimensions are as follows:
We can mix and match the red-blue tiles above and see how existing offerings in the market leverage these dimensions:
…and so on and so forth for any product you analyze. This pattern of transformation is an easy key to re-vector your offer to become consumption-friendly.
Flipping tiles above from red to blue changes the demand-side of your business.
We can drill down below each of the eight tiles above and create variations depending on your product or service. e.g. on-demand could mean consumption on-tap, by voice, click, or an API; transaction pricing could be per activity, per device, per API and so on.
Having looked at the demand side of the business model, let’s discuss the supply-side (production-side) of your business, to complete the business model picture.
How do you take a $100 robot that costs $20 per year to operate and turn it in to a $45 per year service for five years? There are two ways to deliver this offer to the customer:
If you, as a maker, decide to deliver the whole offer or components of the offer you will need to configure your development and delivery. Several choices exist across:
All this can be done using a combination of resources inside your company and inbound ecosystem partners such as your OEM partners or outsourcing partners. Your cost structure and profitability depend on effective supply-side orchestration.
Last week I came across a robotics startup that offers a site-security solution based on robots (like a monthly subscription to ADT or Brinks for home security in the US). It was a reminder that it is not killer apps that are coming, but killer business models and killer solutions.
IoT enables us to rethink our offers and business models, not just improve existing business operations. Time to go beyond predictive maintenance and reimagine our offerings with IoT. Time to flip some tiles!
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